A homepage is an incredibly important piece to a successful website. This is because the homepage is the viewers first impression of your site. If you don’t have an enticing well strategized homepage, you are at risk of immediately losing your sites visitors. Today I am going to go over with you how to have the perfect homepage for your site.
The first essential aspect of a quality homepage is clear, visible navigation.
Every viewer that is coming to your site is looking for something different, some people may just want to see the product, while others are looking for the testimonials and so on. Because of this, you want to all of these different options to be clearly displayed at the top for instant access. If you achieve this, you will be able to connect with a much larger variety of viewers with different needs.
The next thing you want is a strong ‘hero’ section.
The purpose of this is to immediately demonstrate what you do and how this benefits your customers. You should have a bold headliner with a sub headline that offers more details, and a visual to represent the text. You want it to be instantly clear to the scanning eye exactly what it is you do since eighty percent of your viewers are really just skimming through your site. One thing you should try to avoid using is an image slider because they can be very distracting and multiple studies have shown them to be bad for conversion rates. Keep it simple and direct to reap the best benefits.
The third key aspect of a spectacular homepage is to have a great benefits section.
One thing you want to avoid is going directly into the features that come along with your service or product. Most purchases are actually motivated by emotional drive. Once you have met their emotional needs as a buyer through the benefits, you can move on to the features to fulfill the logical aspect of the purchase. A very effective way to display the features section is with a bullet list of no more than ten bullets. This should be simple and direct so they are not overwhelmed by too much information.
The next component of a successful homepage is social proof.
Just like you, your viewer is also going to want to know that they are spending their hard earned money on a quality product. If you are not offering this proof through reviews, they can very easily go to a competitors site that will. Anyone can fabricate reviews so they have lost some degree of their authenticity, however if you are able to provide one or more video testimonials, this can really be a game changer and put you ahead of your competition. This will not only build trust, but it will also create a very valuable connection with your viewer that just may turn them into a customer.
The fifth key to a successful homepage is having a very obvious call to action.
For example, if your call to action is to schedule a consultation, you want to make it very easy to do so. Use a button rather than a link because it is more attention grabbing, and also use a color for the button that has not been used anywhere else on the site for extra visibility. Because only 10-20% of the people visiting your site are ready to commit, it is important to have a secondary call to action to have the other 80-90% of viewers join your email list. If you are able to send them emails, they will not forget about your site and will be much more likely to convert eventually.
The last important aspect of a highly converting homepage is to make it very visual.
You can use images to help the viewers build an emotional connection with your brand and what it represents. Other visuals like icons are also extremely useful since eighty percent of your viewers are just skimming the page. Having these visuals will make these viewers more likely to stay on longer, not only building your SEO but also raising the chance of conversion rate.
I hope these six tips help you with building a highly converting home page for your site. If you are interested in hearing more tips on how you can have the most optimized, highly converting site possible, keep up to date with my other blog posts as well!